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Game Management (District Administrator)

How to manage games per grade as a District Administrator.

Niki Frisby avatar
Written by Niki Frisby
Updated over 2 months ago

The “fun” part of learning is very important to retaining information, especially for young minds! While Typing Agent is jam-packed with all sorts of games, you may want to be sure your students are completing their lessons and using their time in the program responsibly.

As a district administrator, you can set the default settings for all students by grade level.

From your dashboard, navigate to School Management.

From School Management, navigate to your Grade Settings tab.

Choose a Grade Level. Scroll down until you see the Games section shown below. From here, you can adjust your Game settings.

Enable All Games, if checked, will enable all the games that are checked beneath it. For example, if you wanted to enable all games except for multiplayer games such as Battleships, you would select “Enable All Games” and check each game except for Battleships.

Disable Games, If checked, will disable all games. You will see all the games beneath greyed out, and students will not be able to play them.

Use Gritcoins, if checked, will allow students to use Gritcoins to “buy” time to play games. Game time can be purchased by students in increments of 10 minutes.  1 Gritcoin = 1 minute of game time.

Experience Points Needed, by default, is 2650 for students in grades 3+, and 1230 for students in grades K-2. You are able to enter any amount of Experience Points needed to play games, or enter 0 to not require them at all.

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