Welcome to Typing Agent!
Thank you for trusting us as your choice for keyboarding and technology software!
As a District Administrator, you will be managing Typing Agent for all the schools in your district.
Before you can take off running, however, you'll need to upload your data. (We also offer rostering with ClassLink, Google Classroom, and Clever.) Here are the different types of data you'll need to upload. Each step has a blue button you can click for more in-depth instructions on each type of data you'll add. If you find yourself needing any help, feel free to reach out to our support team via the in-app chat, e-mail at support@typingagent.com, or by phone at (425) 880-2500.
1. Adding Schools
As in reality, we start with the place so you begin by adding your schools before doing anything else.
2. Adding Classes
After you've added your schools, you'll need to add classrooms within those schools.
3. Adding Staff
When you've added your schools and classrooms, now you may add your school staff. There are two primary roles of staff in Typing Agent: School administrator(within your district) and Teacher. The school administrator (within your district) will manage all classrooms within his or her school while the teacher will manage only the classroom(s) to which they are assigned. It may be helpful to refer to our Role Overview guide if you require more information on these two types of staff.
4. Adding Students
Now that you've established your schools, classrooms and staff, it's time to add in your students. There are multiple methods of doing this, as listed in the instructions below.