If your administrator has issued a Grade Level Scheduled Test, you may want to view the results of this. For more information on how a Grade Level Scheduled Test is created, click here.
When you run a report to view the Grade Level Scheduled Tests, you'll see a list of all tests that have been issued, a start and end date, how many students have completed it/how many students it was issued to, as well as the creator of the test. Find the specific test for the grade you'd like to view in this list, and select the eyeball icon.
Here, you can view the exact results. For each student, you will see a number of attempts, the best accuracy, WPM, speed, letter grade, and the date completed. You can download these results into a CSV file by selecting the green download icon as well.
Should you see scores, but no "Completed On" , this can mean one of 2 things:
Your student still has attempts remaining for them to take the test. Because you may have set a certain number of attempts, your student may not have done all of them. They will need to signal that they're done with the testing from their interface.
Your student has not met the targets therefore they would not have "completed" it up to standard. (Notice we still give you their best results in terms of Accuracy.)
In order to show a "Completed On" field, your student will need to take all their attempts, or meet their target until the due date has passed.
You can select the Preview button to view and take the test yourself.
How will students access the Scheduled Test?
When students to whom the Scheduled Test is assigned log in, the test will appear immediately on their screens. They will be forced to do it before moving on to any other activity.