This report gives Administrators and Teachers information about how well their students are doing and how far they have gone in this curriculum. (Click here if you need to know more about this Type Your Own Adventure curriculum.)
The Type Your Own Adventure Report is found under the Progress Report. Click on a classroom on the left, then the Reports icon then on the Progress Report icon that looks like this:
Click that and you'll see the TYOA Report under the dropdown menu when you select that curriculum.
You land immediately on a page that gives you a lot of information at a glance. Note that since this curriculum is meant to support students' keyboarding acquisition, we show you the keyboarding goals to which they were working. You can see if they are maintaining or surpassing their keyboarding targets in this curriculum. It is our hope that since this is a supplemental curriculum, they will be typing even better in this area because they will have already learned the keystrokes: this is simply maintenance.
You get to a report that looks something like this:
Note: Students are credited strictly for responses that they have typed completely. Should students begin typing a choice, change their mind then begin another, they are not given credit for anything not finished. When they begin another selection on the same page, the timer and calculations go back to zero and restarts with their new data collection. Also, the clock that keeps track of time credits only time spent actively typing and not time spent reading the texts.