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Experience Points (General)
Experience Points (General)

Descriptions of the Experience Points and how to manage them.

Niki Frisby avatar
Written by Niki Frisby
Updated over 2 months ago

Experience Points is Typing Agent's star counter; they are directly related to the number of stars students earn when they do lessons in the Keyboarding Foundations curriculum. Each grade level has its own Words Per Minute (WPM) and accuracy targets created by Typing Agent, teachers, or your administrator . These targets are rated as 1, 2 and 3 stars with 3 stars being that students are typing above grade-level expectations. Typing Agent keeps track of how many stars students earn/collect as they go through their typing lessons.

Before students do any keyboarding lesson, the Benchmark Challenge alerts them to exactly how quickly and accurately they need to type in order to earn 1, 2 or 3 stars. The more stars students earn, the more Experience Points they get. Simple!

These Experience Points are used in Typing Agent as "gatekeepers" of the various curriculums and games available to students by default. When a student earns Experience Points, these curriculums and games will automatically unlock. Note that no Experience Points are needed to access the Keyboarding Foundations 3+ or K-2 Curriculums.

How are they earned?

Students earn Experience Points by completing lessons in the two Keyboarding Foundations Curriculums (3+ and K-2). 

How many Experience Points do students earn per lesson?

Students earn 10 Experience Points per star they get on the lesson. This means they can earn a minimum of 0 Experience Points per lesson (no stars,) or maximum of 30 experience points per lesson (three stars). 

What about repeated lessons?

Repeating standard lessons will earn a student one (1) Experience Point.

What are the default Experience Points to unlock each curriculum?

As students go through the Keyboarding Foundations curriculum, they focus strictly at learning to type at their grade level accurately and quickly. As they get further into that curriculum, others will open up so that they get to practice their newly-acquired skills in other environments. So that you teachers have to worry about opening these up, Typing Agent has put default settings in place at about just the right time.

(Note: All curriculums set to "0" by default are open by default so no Experience Points are needed. [The Spanish Curriculum will need to be activated if this is your keyboarding curriculum of choice.] Should you want to change any settings for the curriculums, you may do so. For more information on how to do this, click here.)

Here is the list of default settings of Experience Points (or stars) students need to collect in order to open up these areas. Because the K-2 curriculum is not the same as the 3+, it requires fewer Experience Points to open those curriculums. Of course, you are absolutely free to change these:

Students in Grades K-2:

Keyboarding Foundations K-2 = 0
Digital Citizenship = 0
Targeted Practice = 1200
Type Your Own Adventure = 2800
Basic Code = 3000
Advanced Code = 3500
Spanish Curriculum = 0
Notepad = 1500
Games = 1230
Agent Challenge = 2650

Students in Grades 3+:

Keyboarding Foundations 3+ = 0
Digital Citizenship = 0
Targeted Practice = 4500
Type Your Own Adventure = 5000
Basic Code = 6500
Advanced Code = 9000
Spanish Curriculum = 0

Notepad = 1500
Games = 2650
Agent Challenge = 8700

*Note that SEL does not reward experience points at this time. We encourage students to read and focus on ethical behavior for now and we will reward them with XPs in later developments.

How do I see how many Experience Points my students have?

You can view your students’ Experience Points from your end in two ways with Reports: The Leaderboard (a ranking based on Experience Points) and the Custom Report:

Viewing Experience Points from the Leaderboard:

First, select your Class.

Then, select your Reports tab.

Now, select Leaderboard.

Now, you can view the students in your class ranked by Experience Points.

Viewing Experience Points form the Custom Report:

First, select your Class.

Then, select your Reports tab.

Now, select Custom Reports.

Select Custom Student Report from the drop-down menu.

Now, you can choose Experience Points as one of the fields to display with any other field of your choosing.

*For more information on the Custom Report and what each of these fields indicate, please look at our Custom Report Definitions guide.

How do the students know how many Experience Points they've earned?

Students can see it in their dashboard header from within their interface. The lightning bolt icon denotes the number of Experience Points that the student has earned.

How does a student know which curriculums are locked and how many more Experience Points they need to unlock it?

On the students’ dashboard, locked curriculums and the games section will be displayed in gray with padlock icons. Students can hover their mouse over them to see the experience point requirement to unlock the curriculum. 

As the teacher, how do I know how many Experience Points are required for a curriculum to open and how can I change it?

You can change this for a single student or group of students, or for your whole class.

For Class:

Select your Class.

Select your Settings tab.

Now, select your Curriculum tab.

From here, scroll down to the curriculum you wish to set an experience point minimum for.

Typing in the number and selecting Assign All will update these settings.

For an individual, group of students, or all students in one classroom:

Select your Class.

Select your Students tab.

Now, select the checkbox next to your student's(') name(s). You can select multiple, if you so choose.

From the right fly-out menu, select Curriculum.

From here, scroll down to the curriculum you wish to set an Experience Point minimum for.

Put in the number of Experience Points you want to use then click Assign All. By taking these steps, you will assign that curriculum to one or most students.

Why would I want to adjust the default Experience Point requirements?

The Experience Point requirements are set with the presumption that a student who has never typed before is using the program for the first time. The defaults are set so that a student will have to have completed a certain amount of lessons with average competency before they'd earn enough Experience Points to open them. 

If your students already have experience typing, you may want to reduce the Experience Points requirement so that the students have more activities to engage with sooner.

How do I bypass Experience Points completely?

You can do this for as many or as few students as you like by adjusting the students’ accommodations.

First, select your Class.

Now, select your Students tab.

From here, select the checkbox beside one or more (or all) students' name(s). In the right fly-out menu, select Accommodations.

Now, click the Settings tab.

Select Bypass Experience Points, then select Apply.

Here is a video walkthrough on Experience Points if you have any more questions:

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