As a school administrator, you may want to know how many of your students are actively using the program, for how long and how they're doing. This report may help you when you want to give awards for schools who use the program or advise others to use it more.
When you generate a Detailed School Usage Report, you will be asked to select all classrooms or a certain classroom as well as a time period. This date range can be for the current week, the previous week, the current month, the previous month, the past 6 months, all time or a custom date range (e.g., Jan - Mar).
When you're finished, select Run Report.
Now, you'll be able to see a report with the following parameters:
School: Name of the school.
# of Active Teachers: Number of teachers who have logged in to Typing Agent over the duration of the current school year.
# of Active Students: Number of students who have logged in to Typing Agent over the duration of the current school year.
Lessons Completed: Total number of lessons that have been completed by all students in your school.
Time Spent: Total time spent typing in the program by all students in your school.
Average Accuracy: Average accuracy of all students in your school.
Average WPM: Average words per minute (WPM) of all students in your school.