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School Management (District Administrator)

Overview of the School Management functions on your dashboard.

Niki Frisby avatar
Written by Niki Frisby
Updated over a year ago

As a district administrator, you'll find that managing your schools on the individual level or on a whole will be an important part of your role in Typing Agent. You'll find most of these settings under the School Management tab.

When you click on School Management, you'll see a variety of options for things you can do:


Under the Schools tab, you'll be able to archive, delete, create or edit the existing rosters of your schools. You can also reset your schools for a new year. For more information on how to archive your schools for a new year, click here. For more information on how to edit your schools' settings, click here.


Under the Classrooms tab, you'll be able to archive, delete, create or edit the existing rosters of your classrooms, or the class codes. This can be helpful if you need to alter a classroom for any reason. For more information on adding and modifying your classes, click here.


Under the Settings tab, you'll be able to allow teachers to give students the ability to students to set their own screen accommodations and edit your time zone and the duration of your school year. This is important to reflect accurate reporting over the course of the correct year. For more information on how to do this, click here.


Under the Permissions tab, you'll be able to set your staff permissions and decide who is allowed to make modifications to curriculum, your rosters, and more. This can be helpful in ensuring that you are the one managing data, or allowing teachers and school administrators to do so as well. For more information on setting your staff permissions, click here.

Grade Settings

Under the Grade Settings tab, you'll be able to set the default settings for students created in a particular grade. This can be helpful if you'd like certain grade levels to be or not to be allowed to access certain curriculums. For more information on how to adjust your grade settings, click here.


Under the Gradebook tab, you'll be able to view and manage your Gradebook. This will help you set what constitutes a letter grade, emoticon, or any other grading mechanism your district uses. For more information on all of what you can do to edit this, click here.

Target Settings

Under the Target Settings tab, you can set specific WPM and accuracy settings for certain grades. This can be helpful in developing a district standard for proficient keyboarding. For more information on setting your targets, click here.

Grade Level Scheduled Tests

Under the Grade Level Scheduled Tests tab, you'll be able to create tests and view the progress. This is helpful if you'd like to create grade-wide tests of your own custom content. For more information on how to do this, click here.

District Portal

Under the District Portal tab, you'll be able to edit the page where your staff and students log in to their Typing Agent accounts. This will also be where you allow teacher or student self-registration. For more information on designing your district portal, click here. For more information on enabling teacher or student self-registration, click here.

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