When you first log into Typing Agent, you'll find yourself on your account's dashboard. From here, you'll be able to quickly upload students, manage your schools and users, view reports and curriculums, and access our Help Center.
Demo Student
At the top of the page, you'll see your blue Demo Student option. If you select this, you'll be able to type, play, and experience the fun of Typing Agent through a student's account without needing to log in as one of your students. For more information on this handy feature, click here.
Upload Your Students
On the green Get Started as a District banner, you'll see four buttons to quickly upload your schools, staff, classes and students via CSV files. If you are rostering with an outside service such as Clever or ClassLink, you will not see these options.
Management and Reporting Options
Further down, you'll see five tabs you can select to manage your users, view reports or curriculums, or access the help center.
School Management: From here, you can adjust settings for the schools across your district. This is where you will add or delete schools, reset for a new year, design your district portal and set grade standards. For more information, click here.
User Management: From here, you will be able to manage your staff and students, edit enrollments and add or delete users based on your rostering system. For more information, click here.
Reporting: Here, you will be able to view and generate any reports for your district's usage and trends. Reports are helpful in determining your district's usage of the program, or checking in to ensure your students are meeting grade proficiency standards. For an overview on all available reports, click here.
Curriculums: Here, you can view all the various curriculums that are available on Typing Agent to your students. This is helpful in deciding which ones you'd like certain grades to have access to. For an overview on all curriculums, click here.
Solution Center: Here, you'll be able to access our constantly-growing library of resources to make Typing Agent an easier experience for you and your district to use. To access our solution center now, click here.
Here's an additional video walkthrough should you have any more questions: