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Dashboard (Teacher)

Overview of your dashboard.

Niki Frisby avatar
Written by Niki Frisby
Updated over 7 months ago

When you first log into Typing Agent, you'll find yourself on your account's dashboard. From here, you'll be able to view weekly reports, a graph of monthly use over the school year, and experience Typing Agent from a student's view.

Demo Student

The very first thing you'll see is your blue Demo Student option. If you select this, you'll be able to type, play, and experience the fun of Typing Agent through a student's account without needing to log in as one of your students. For more information on this handy feature, click here.

Average Reports

Underneath the Demo Student option, you'll see four panels you can click to view graphs of your classrooms' weekly stats, monthly active students, and diagnostic or scheduled testing reports.

Avg Minutes/Week

When you select Avg Minutes/Week, you'll be able to view a graph of how many WPM all the students in your classrooms are averaging during the given week. You can toggle between Class and Grade to view the graph based on average per class, or average per grade.

Avg Lessons/Week

When you select Avg Lessons/Week, you'll be able to view a graph of how many lessons all the students in your classrooms are completing on average during the given week. You can toggle between Class and Grade to view the graph based on average per class, or average per grade.

Avg Monthly % Active Students

When you select Avg Monthly % Active Students, you'll be able to view a graph of the percentage of all the students in your classrooms who are logging in on average during the given month. You can toggle between Class and Grade to view the graph based on average per class, or average per grade.


When you select Testing, you'll be able to view a report graph of the tests taken per a particular grade and classroom. From the drop down menu, select a Grade and a Classroom.

When you've made your selection, you'll see two graphs.

The Scheduled Testing graph appears first, and will give the accuracy, WPM, and AWPM trends for your classrooms' scheduled tests, for both grade and class levels. Fore more information on Scheduled Testing, click here.

The Diagnostic Testing graph will appear next down the page, giving the accuracy and WPM trends of the Diagnostic Tests taken in your school. For more information on Diagnostic Tests, click here.

Monthly Average Graph

At the bottom of your dashboard, you will find the Monthly Average graph. The Monthly Average graph shows the minutes practiced, student login sessions, and lessons completed per month over the course of your entire school year. This makes it easy to observe trends of spikes and lulls in program success and usage of the program.

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